Focus on Climate Change at the Grassroots Level

Most people think of climate change as an enormous issue that can only be addressed on a global level. How can small grants of $500 or even $5,000 make a difference to such a monumental challenge?

We believe local action through small grants can make a big difference. Since 2000, Greengrants has given well over $1 million dollars to hundreds of organizations working on climate change in every corner of the globe. This might not sound like a lot, but the groups we fund are on the front lines of global warming, fighting in their own communities against deforestation, promoting alternative energy and demanding access to information, technology, and decision-making forums on climate change that all too often operate solely in the realms of scientists and politicians.

Below is a look at the innovative ways our grantees are tackling the issue of climate change in their own way, in their own communities and regions. As the stories of these groups indicate, although the issue of climate change is global, the methods of attacking it are as unique as the peoples and local environments that it will so drastically affect. We believe, as is the case with nearly every other environmental issue, that long-lasting solutions will have to include those who will be most affected. We hope you are inspired, as we are, by their efforts.

You can also find out more about the impact of climate change in the developing world by reading several recent articles from the New York Times. Click here.


Preventing Clear Cutting, Promoting Sustainable Forestry
Trees and other plant life actively remove carbon dioxide during photosynthesis; subsequently, deforestation has been credited as one of the major contributors to the greenhouse effect. Greengrants supports grantees working to combat deforestation and protect the ‘carbon sink’ service that healthy forests provide for our atmosphere. To read about what the Grassy Narrows First Nation in Canada is doing, click here.

Reducing the Carbon Footprint of the Oil and Gas Industry
Around the world the demands of industry often take precedent over environmental concerns. This is especially apparent in developing countries that are promoting economic development at all costs. With the help of Greengrants, many groups are successfully advocating the oil and gas industries as well as governments, courts and International Financial Institutions (IFI) in their areas to make simple changes that can have a large impact on their carbon emissions. To read about this work in Nigeria, click here.

Alternative Energy Promotion
Many of our grantees are in locations where there is little inclination to switch from outdated, dirty fossil fuel generators to cleaner, alternative energy sources. In addition to raising awareness of the benefits of alternative energy, several grantees have also been instrumental in creating demonstration and experimental alternative wind and solar energy systems. To find out more about alternative energy in India with the Mitra Foundation, click here.

Civil Society Participation in National, Regional, and International Climate Change Talks
The world’s poor, who are the least responsible for global climate change, suffer the most from climate change. We provide grants to many groups to enable them to attend climate change talks and make their voices heard by those in power. In Indonesia, CDM Watchis working hard for clean development.Click here.

Megadams and Methane: Making the Connection
While dams are often seen as a source of energy that does not contribute to climate change, the truth is that they can pollute the air even more than a power plant that runs on fossil fuels. The reservoirs created by dams often submerge a vast amount of plant life that, as it decays, produces methane a greenhouse gas 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The result: in certain locations the emissions of dams can generate over three times more greenhouse gases than an oil-burning plant producing the same amount of electricity. To find out more about this issue in Uganda, click here.

Public Education on Climate Change Issues
Education is the first step towards change. Throughout the world our grantees are involved in informing people about how their actions contribute to global climate change. This includes education for concrete steps that will help to alleviate impacts as well as greenhouse gas emissions. Find out what the Environmental Foundation Ltd. in Sri Lanka is doing to promote public awareness. Click here.

Promoting Alternatives to Incineration
Pollutants released waste incineration systems not only include vast amounts of carbon dioxide but many other noxious substances as well. These are significant contributors to global climate change, in addition to creating many human and environmental health problems for local communities. Greengrants has provided many grants to organizations all over the world to help advocate against these high polluters. Please click here to read about this work in the Philippines.

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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