The Challenge

Latin America is home to 40 percent of the world’s animals and plants, as well as a distinct medley of indigenous cultures. The incredible biodiversity of Latin America is threatened by extensive deforestation and the extraction of oil, minerals, and other resources.

Throughout the region, development projects and corporations are further threatening indigenous human rights and rights to land. With murder rates that rank highest when compared with anywhere else in the world, environmental defenders who demand justice on both fronts face serious threats to their safety and security.

Our Solutions

Corrupt government is the norm in Latin America: Politicians have allowed corporations to operate and extract resources from pristine rainforests without restriction and monitoring. That means indigenous communities and marginalized people who depend on forests for survival lack access to the right resources to communicate their plight against the development projects challenging their existence.

Global Greengrants Fund leverages a network of volunteer experts across Latin America to help get funds into the hands of activists and defenders standing up for their rights.

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