The Challenge

From the savannah to the mountains to the jungles, people across Africa have developed intrepid cultural traditions that protect the earth they depend on. Yet climate change has triggered incessant droughts and flooding. And oil drilling, mining, and land grabs are wreaking havoc on the food, water, and resources local people need to sustain their families and ways of life.

Our Solutions

The volunteer experts who advise our grantmaking in West, East, Central, and Southern Africa identify community-based organizations that are implementing solutions to address each region’s most pressing challenges.

Global Greengrants has funded efforts across Africa, including the development of sustainable climate-wise alternatives to reduce deforestation and charcoal production. Forest communities use our grants to halt multinational land grabs, and we lend support to environmental defenders to secure their own safety. We also help communities impacted by oil and mining defend their rights, and demand cleanup and justice.  

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