Getting the Grassroots into the Spotlight AT IUCN in Barcelona

The Greengrants Alliance of Funds will guide an exploration of successful approaches for assisting local community groups to meet critical conservation challenges at the upcoming IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona Spain.

The IUCN Congress, held once every four years, is an influential international forum that seeks to strengthen environmental policy in its more than 40 state members, UN Agencies and international NGOs. For grassroots voices to be significantly included in the discussion, it is crucial to provide better and more consistent support. Our hope is to engage the conservation community in addressing this issue. We would highly value the contributions we know you would make to this important dialogue.

In 2005, Greengrants launched the Greengrants Alliance of Funds to further build capacity for grassroots philanthropy and environmental justice in the Global South. The Alliance of Funds is a network of independent organizations, based throughout the world, that share our philosophy and small-grantmaking model. Members of the Alliance of Funds work together to raise local, national, and international funding, thus expanding the resources available for environmental organizations in their regions. The network currently includes The Samdhana Institute in Southeast Asia, The Center for Socio-Environmental Support in Brazil and the Solidarity in Action Fund in Mexico.

Click here to download an invitation to this special session.

Alex Grossman

Alex comes to Global Greengrants with a background in indigenous rights, women’s rights, and environmental policy. She previously developed communications content and strategy for The Center of Effective Global Action at U.C. Berkeley and The Climate Reality Project. Alex has a M.A. in Latin American Studies from Boston University and a B.A. in International Relations and Anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

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