The Failures of the Paris Climate Change Agreement and How Philanthropy Can Fix Them

Fossil free culture

By Terry Odendahl

I spent 10 days in Paris at COP21 helping organize, participate in, and lead events and demonstrations. The final climate agreement, supported by more than 190 signatory countries, is an important milestone. But it’s also something like the world taking the first step in a 12-step program, where we finally admit we have a problem. In fact, the agreement and the solutions presented at COP21 are not what grassroots philanthropists and activists hoped for.

We still have a lot of work to bolster “climate justice” in the world and actually try to limit the rise in our planet’s temperature. Philanthropy needs to support climate justice, undercut the power of the fossil fuel industry, beware false solutions, and support clean energy.

Read my entire post in the Stanford Social Innovation Review>>

Terry Odendahl

Terry has spent more than 40 years working to bridge the gap between our natural and human worlds. Prior to joining Global Greengrants in 2009, Terry helmed the National Network of Grantmakers for over a decade, and later the New Mexico Association of Grantmakers. She also worked to protect public lands in the western United States as a program officer at the Wyss Foundation. An anthropologist by training, she has held faculty positions at Georgetown University, the University of California, San Diego, and Yale University. Terry’s background in anthropology and philanthropy is complemented by her expertise in gender studies. She is the co-author of four books about philanthropy and is the co-founder of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in Washington, D. C., and the Institute for Collaborative Change in New Mexico.

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