Three Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day

Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day, and the theme this year is: “Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women’s lives”. This year, we’re calling for more equality and justice worldwide, supporting those who are leading movements for action.

And we’re not alone.

People worldwide are mobilizing for a future that is more equal. From the #MeToo movement to female environmental defenders who are stepping up to save their lands, the action is widespread.

Global Greengrants Fund continues to support women worldwide taking action for a clean and healthy environment. We support the women who till the soil, walk miles for water, and build climate resiliency in their communities. In fact, 51% of our grantmaking annually goes to women working for a better, more just, world.

Today, we ask you to join us. Here’s how:

  1. Meet four female environmental defenders who inspire us: Máxima Acuña, Yolanda Garcia Luango, Betinna Cruz, and Berta Cáceres, all Global Greengrants Fund grantees, give us hope for a brighter future through their efforts to defend their rights to a clean and healthy planet.

  2. Read Our Voices, Our Environment: The State of Funding for Women’s Environmental Action: Astonishingly, less than 1 percent of international philanthropy goes to women’s environmental initiatives. That must change.Climate change and subsequent damage to water, land, and clean air impacts women disproportionatelyThey walk farther when water and firewood runs out, work harder for less when erratic weather patterns wreak havoc on crops, and die at higher rates when natural disasters strike. To confront these pressing environmental challenges, women must have their voices heard, and to have their voices heard they need access to resources. Read the report and learn what comes next for the philanthropic community. 
  3. Make a gift: By donating to Global Greengrants Fund today, you can help add women’s voices to the conversation. Solutions to climate change exist on the frontlines of the battle to save our planet. Grassroots women leaders are already stepping up to the challenge. Global Greengrants stands in solidarity beside these leaders and promotes their rights to, and solutions for a safe, healthy, and clean environment.

Global Greengrants Fund supports over 300 women-led projects per year to protect the planetmaking us one of the top organizations in the world supporting women’s environmental-action initiatives.

Since 2014, we have increased grantmaking to projects that address the unequal and gendered impacts of environmental damage. More than half of our total budget now goes to these ends, and we aren’t stopping there. You can help.

There’s no denying it – women play an essential role in the future of our planet and we need to include their voices for a more equal and just world. The time to act is now.

Global Greengrants Fund

Global Greengrants Fund believes solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Every day, our global network of people on the frontlines and donors comes together to support communities to protect their ways of life and our planet. Because when local people have a say in the health of their food, water, and resources, they are forces for change.

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