VICTORY: Portugal Breaks Free from Fossil Fuel Extraction

In September 2020, Portugal’s last two remaining fossil fuel extraction contracts were canceled, halting all oil and gas drilling across the country.

Activists, including Greengrants’ grantee, Climáximo, have spent years resisting fossil fuel extraction in Portugal, leading efforts that resulted in the recent cancellations. Climáximo stated that this success is a powerful example of how protest and grassroots action can be effective tools for change.

In 2019, in partnership with, Global Greengrants Fund awarded Climáximo $15,800 in support of the Climate Jobs Campaign, an initiative that unites labor unions and the climate justice movement to build a plan for a just transition away from fossil fuels. A just transition is the idea that a healthy environment and healthy economy should coexist, and that the shift from extractive to regenerative systems needs to include all people.

This money helped Climáximo hire campaign staff and cover operational costs, allowing the group to produce podcasts and informational videos to bolster the campaign message, as well as build strong new relationships and alliances, which led to five new organizations joining the campaign.

Additionally, support from Global Greengrants Fund helped the group advocate for national electric buses, forest protection, and one paid working day a week dedicated to professional training for workers in polluting industries. Climáximo also held its first protest in January of this year, as part of an international climate action week, to demand public financing for just transition in Portugal.

Portugal is now fossil fuel-free, as far as extraction goes, proving that grassroots resistance is an important catalyst of systemic change. It’s important to note that even in spite of the current COVID-19 pandemic, victories like these are coming to the forefront as a result of years of effort from the grassroots level.

Feeling inspired to take action in your own community? Download our climate action toolkit, and find ways to act now for both people and our planet.

Photo credit: Climáximo

Julia Woods

Julia’s passion for environmental sustainability, human rights, and mission-driven organizations led her to Global Greengrants Fund in October 2016. Prior to joining the Greengrants team, Julia worked for a renewable energy cooperative and an education-focused nonprofit in Los Angeles. She holds a B.A. in Political Science from Loyola Marymount University.

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