Global Greengrants Fund Announces Partnership with The Agroecology Fund


Global Greengrants Fund Announces Partnership with The Agroecology Fund

Global Greengrants Fund and The Agroecology Fund collaborate to get more resources to grassroots agroecology movements worldwide

(Boulder, CO) – October 25, 2021 – Today, we’re proud to share that The Agroecology Fund (AEF), a fund supporting agroecological practices and policies, has chosen Global Greengrants Fund as a fiscal home for their global grantmaking. This collaboration will support AEF in streamlining their ability to make grants, while creating more opportunities for interaction and exchange across our global networks. That means more resources and collaboration for viable food systems, protecting the human rights of small farmers and their communities, and more climate change mitigation and adaptation through low input agriculture and locally resilient food systems.

“Agroecology is the practice, science and movement for food systems that are regenerative, locally adaptive, and ecologically sustainable. This means less chemically and carbon intensive inputs, better soil health, policies that protect smallholder farming, direct local consumer connections, and more protection of natural systems,” said Allison Davis, Director of Regional Programs at Global Greengrants Fund. “Our grants often support communities facing pollution, toxins, land grabs and displacement, and groups working to resist and reform systems that lead to such injustices. Yet it is not just about resisting and reforming the status quo. People are increasingly constructing alternative systems, and the global agroecology movement is right at the heart of this when it comes to food. It is a thrill and honor to bring our networks closer together on this critical topic.”

The Agroecology Fund began its work in 2012 and is currently supported by a diverse group of 35 funders committed to awarding grant dollars to advance agroecology. In just nine years, the Fund has awarded nearly $10 million to 145 collaboratives that include hundreds of grassroots organizations across Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, Latin America and the United States.

“We live in a moment of a civilization in deep crisis, in which a few have a lot, the majority is dispossessed, and nature is treated as a as a mine for extraction,” said Angela Cordeiro, Co-Director of AEF. “We are excited about the opportunity to join with Global Greengrants to support grassroots movements defending rights, for environmental justice, for the right to land and territory, for the right to seed, for the right to healthy food, and for the right to an economy inclusive of all women, men and children.”

Through this partnership with The Agroecology Fund, both organizations will gain new access to learning and evaluation from each others’ grantmaking, access to new practitioner spaces, and timely information on global trends on the topic.

For more information, contact Alex Grossman, Director of Communications   –



ABOUT GLOBAL GREENGRANTS FUND: Global Greengrants Fund mobilizes resources for communities worldwide to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. We believe solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from people whose lives are most impacted. Since 1993, Global Greengrants has awarded over 14,000 grants in 168 countries worth more than $100 million. Learn more at

ABOUT THE AGROECOLOGY FUND: The Agroecology Fund is a multi-donor fund supporting agroecology movements. The Fund aims to support viable food systems, promote the economic well-being and human rights of small farmers, Indigenous Peoples and their communities, and mitigate climate change through low input agriculture featuring sustainable soil and water use.



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