Tag: The Pacific Islands

Challenging Sand Mining Projects in Papua New Guinea

In the Madang province in Papua New Guinea, leatherback sea turtles have been an important part of the ecosystem for thousands of years. Communities in Madang where the leatherback sea turtles come to nest have for generations lived alongside them and depended on them as a sacred food source. Recently, Global Greengrants Fund grantee partner […]

Adaptation and Resilience: Responses to COVID-19 from Our Global Network

  Over a year after the COVID-19 outbreak was officially declared a global pandemic, the virus continues to spread across the world. Despite the rapid development of effective vaccines, the global population is far from reaching herd immunity and many countries are experiencing huge waves of infection, high death rates, and struggling economies. At Global […]

What Unequal Access to Vaccines Worldwide Means for Environmental Activists

In 2020, the world faced a new challenge, the coronavirus pandemic. A virus that originated in China quickly spread to the most remote corners of the globe, changing the way each and every one of us has lived for the past year. Just one year later, highly effective vaccines have not only been developed, but […]

Strength in Adaptation: Lessons from the Grassroots

No matter who you are, or where you live, the past six months have forced everyone on earth to adapt to a world changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. For our grantees, new challenges have arisen along with the virus, including access to food, education around sanitation, and increased risks associated with continued resource extraction by […]

Fostering Resilience in Times of Crisis: Lessons from the Grassroots

Over the last few months, likely each and every one of us has felt pushed to the limits of our abilities to cope with the current global situation. Even for those of us for whom lockdown is no more than an inconvenience, this moment has undoubtedly led to more self-reflection, and an appreciation of the […]

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