Activism Around the World: Highlights from February 2020

We’re bringing back an old favorite, grant stories of the month!

Here at Global Greengrants Fund, we are committed to supporting grassroots activists in their efforts to protect our shared planet and work toward a more equitable world. With over 1,000 grants awarded each year, there’s never a shortage of stories that inspire us. Read on for three projects from the past month.

Mexico: Seeding Resilience with Traditional Knowledge

In Oaxaca, the ways local people have been growing their food for centuries is under threat due to climate change, pollution, slash-and-burn agriculture, and the rise of pesticide use. In an effort to protect sustainable agricultural traditions that have been passed down through generations, Centro Promotor de Tecnologias Alternativas Bibaani, A.C. is using $4,544 to start an agro-ecology education center. The center, which has a nursery and vegetable garden, is a place where the group will host educational sessions to build the capacity of 25 families to install and manage their own gardens. This initiative will benefit both local communities as well as our climate: according to “Soil to Sky: Climate Solutions That Work,” a report shared by the CLIMA Fund, agro-ecology is believed to have the potential to mitigate 390 to 490 gigatons of CO2 per by 2050.

Kyrgyzstan: Improving Access to Clean Water

Over 1 million citizens of Kyrgyzstan do not have access to clean drinking water, and 397 villages lack the infrastructure necessary to provide clean water to residents. Last year the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) gave Kyrgyzstan a 15-year loan of €2 million to improve access to water across the country. Our grantee, Tabiygat Public Association, is working to ensure that the loan will be used properly with respect to local communities. The group is organizing a two-day training course on how to monitor the rehabilitation of water supply systems in the Kyrgyz Republic and will provide materials for local civil society activists. The group will also facilitate public monitoring of EU and EBRD projects, and gather data to present recommendations to local government.

Kenya: A Seat for Everyone at the Table

Climate change has affected the community of Isiolo, Kenya with severe drought and flooding conditions. However, local action to address these impacts in the region routinely excludes persons with disabilities. Our grantee, Isiolo Person with Visual Impairment, is trying to change this by giving young people with disabilities a voice in local government. The group is organizing a climate change capacity-building workshop, where they will meet with local officials to encourage them to include people with disabilities in their climate action plans. Workshop attendees will also exchange important knowledge on inclusive climate action planning, such as early warning systems for people with disabilities and shelters that are more accessible. This project is funded through our Next Generation Climate Board and aims to engage 100 young people with disabilities.

We believe that solutions for lasting change come from people who face challenges to their environments and rights every day. We support community-based projects that make our world safer, healthier, and more just. Make a donation to support this important work.

Julia Woods

Julia’s passion for environmental sustainability, human rights, and mission-driven organizations led her to Global Greengrants Fund in October 2016. Prior to joining the Greengrants team, Julia worked for a renewable energy cooperative and an education-focused nonprofit in Los Angeles. She holds a B.A. in Political Science from Loyola Marymount University.

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